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Psychic Services

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Sometimes, as we go through life, it can feel like we're lost in a forest, and we just need a little bit of light to show us the way. My readings can help illuminate the path before you.
Please Note
I no longer do same day readings.
All Brentwood, phone & video readings MUST be paid in advance.
Please call for an appointment.

If your call goes to voice mail, leave a message.
I may be in the middle of a reading.

Psychic Readings

By Appointment Only

Phone, Video or In-Person in Belleville IL or Brentwood MO.



   Scroll down to the bottom of this page or visit the ShopPhone, video & in-person readings at Brentwood are prepaid & MUST be paid at the time you schedule your appointment! Belleville readings can be paid with cash.

"I have enjoyed receiving Loving Rose's readings by phone for a number of years. I have also worked as a psychic (now retired) and was turned onto Loving Rose's work by a client we shared. As someone who does this work and is very choosy, I could pick no better psychic for my own questions than Loving Rose. She has always been amazingly precise with information that has been borne out, such as dates when things will happen, what choices would be the best for me to make, and what lies ahead. It's uncanny even to me how I can say someone's name or describe the role they have in my life, and she immediately can tell me all about them. She has especially helped me to stop overthinking what I do in life and find personal and career success through being more spontaneous and playful. Plus she is just delightful to talk with and know. Don't hesitate if you are seeking an expert, thorough and accurate psychic reading!" Clyde D, Los Angeles, CA

About Loving

   In the late 1980s, a severe depression & synchronous meeting of a student at a metaphysical school in Madison Wisconsin caused me to step onto what I now call my "conscious spiritual path". I took some classes at the school where they taught us how to listen to our intuition. When it began feeling very restrictive, I left & followed my intuition to workshops in creating abundance, Usui Reiki, past lives, & meditation among others. During an advanced meditation course called "Awakening Your Light Body", I began channeling a group of spirit guides called the Angels of Light & experienced a phenomenal opening of my intuition. In June 1991, I opened Wisdom Tree Center in Madison. In 1996, a longing for a deeper connection to Divine Source prompted me to sell all my possessions & move to Bellingham Washington. While there, I underwent a major opening of my heart chakra & adopted my spiritual name of Loving Rose. In 1997, a family member's health prompted my move to Belleville Illinois where I have been ever since. I currently have offices in Belleville Illinois & Brentwood Missouri.

Psychic Readings

   The goal of a psychic reading is to provide clarity, perspective, and potential guidance to the person seeking the session. Psychic readings focus on the every day aspects of life -- relationships, career, finances, personal challenges. I offer life guidance, validation, clarity, and direction around past, present and future challenges. I also can focus on spiritual aspects -- soul's purpose, one's spiritual path, ways to access one's own intuition.

   As a psychic, I read the future as well as the present and the past. By combining my intuitive insight with practical advice, my readings are designed to empower you, highlighting your unique gifts and special talents. My desire is to foster hope and inspiration and to respect your free will and power to change.

    In your reading, I connect with your energy and offer information to help you find new choices, solutions and ways of being.  The information frequently highlights the reasons for current or past experiences that may change your perspective and offer new avenues.  I don’t make decisions for you; rather, I give you enough information so you can make your own decisions.  Also, I do not make predictions; I read the pattern of a situation, tell you what you might be doing subconsciously to block the flow, and what you can do consciously to change the situation.

    My readings are done intuitively without the use of cards, palms or other props.  I am clairsentient, which means I “sense” or “feel” what is going on in a given situation.  (Have you ever been around two people who didn’t get along?  Even though they were polite to each other, you may have “felt” the tension between them.)  In addition, I frequently receive pictures, images and metaphors (symbols) for the events and issues in your life (clairvoyance). Sometimes, information comes to me clairaudiently through my inner hearing, or I may get messages from spirit guides or angels who are working with you.

 Preparing for Your Psychic Reading

   At the time of your appointment, please have a list of questions, problems, concerns, issues that you want assistance with or insight into. I use these to open the door to access the information, similar to a tarot reader using cards. I also want to make sure I talk about what is important to you. You may ask about anything and everything – situations in your life, relationships, career, finances, decisions, directions to go on your conscious spiritual path, pets and places. Please do not ask for lottery numbers or race winners as I am unable to access that information.

Spirit Medium Readings

   In these readings, I make connections with your loved ones in Spirit & deliver messages from them through the use of telepathy. This means that spirits impress my mind and body with thoughts and feelings that come in the form of "clairs." I "feel" (clairsentience), "know" (claircognizance), mentally "hear" (clairaudience) and mentally "see" (clairvoyance) messages from spirits. I think of myself as the bridge between the spiritual and the physical world, with the intention of healing both worlds.

   During a mediumship reading, I will connect & blend with the energy of your loved one in Spirit. I will give you evidence that they live on as well as messages of hope and healing to help guide you in the journey of your life.

Spirit Gallery

   Spirit gallery is a group reading done in a person's home, office or other type of venue. I connect with people's loved ones & offer messages of comfort & hope. Please call for a quote.

PLEASE NOTE: In order for me to give you the best reading possible, at the time of the reading, please be in a quiet & safe place without distractions and able to focus. I absolutely will NOT read for you if you are driving or engaged in other activity or in a noisy place.

Same Day Readings -- Why I no longer do them

   When you come for a psychic reading, you deserve to have a reader who is well rested & free of stress who can give you her full attention & do the best reading possible. In order to be that person for you, I cannot energetically do more than a few readings per day. I am an empath, which means that I connect with my clients at a very deep level during the reading. Because of that, I need time to recharge between sessions. If I try to do too many readings in a day, I end up exhausted and unable to do my best. I feel blessed, honored & humbled to have a high volume of clients & wish I could be available to everyone immediately. In order to give you my full attention & energy & also to honor my process, I do readings by appointment only.


Psychic Readings                                         

IN PERSON BRENTWOOD MO                                               

at Breath of Life Wellness Center                                         

2510 S Brentwood Blvd, Brentwood, MO 63144                  

Prepaid. Must be paid when you call to schedule.*           

​$95/30 minutes                                                                       

$142.50/45 minutes                                                               

$190/60 minutes                                                                     



​Prepaid. Must be paid when you call to schedule.*               

​$70/30 minutes                                                                         Please call for a quote.

$105/45 minutes                                                                       Price depends on number of attendees & travel time.

$140/60 minutes 

$30 Add-on 30 minute Reiki Healing Session or Guided Meditation


Paid in cash when we meet.

$70/30 minutes

​$105/45 minutes

$140/60 minutes

$30 30-minute Reiki healing session, Guided Meditation or Aura/Chakra photos with 15-page report add on

Spirit Medium Readings


$125/30 minutes

Prepaid. Must be paid when you call to schedule.*


$100/30 minutes (pay cash at time of reading)


$100/30 minutes

Prepaid. Must be paid when you call to schedule.*

Spirit Gallery Readings

Please call for a quote. Fee depends on number of attendees & travel time.

*Refunds will be given upon 24 hours notice of cancellation prior to the appointment.


Brentwood, MO 63144                                                                                    Belleville, IL 62226                2020 by Loving Rose Psychic

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